Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More outtakes from rural America

Back from Carmel, and we had a chance to see Hillary Clinton speak on Monday in our area. I have no strong political opinions going into this election, but I got to be a VIP at this event (thanks to a connection D has) and I'm not working this week, so hey, why not. As I suspected, the bar for being a VIP is pretty low. Anyway. She spoke at a big city high school in our area, and was preceded by every local Democrat of any prominence, past or present. Oh, and by every high school performing organization you can imagine -- band, choir, flag and rifle corp, cheerleaders, Junior ROTC, you name it. You have to wonder if this is the most difficult part of campaigning -- the mind-numbing sameness of all of it.

Interestingly, the speaker preceding/introducing Hillary (Dolores Huerta) made references to Kerry, Gore, Bobby Kennedy, FDR, Ted Kennedy, but not Bill Clinton. OK, maybe not so surprising. More surprising is that she spent time talking about Nancy Pelosi and Eleanor Roosevelt, but never mentioned that California has two female Senators as well...

Hillary was hoarse, but her stump speech was reasonably engaging. A few awkward references to farmers were thrown in for local benefit, making me wonder how many farmers were attending political rallies on Monday mornings. From the look of the crowd of 3000+, maybe 1 or 2. Hillary talked about what it was like being a woman running for President, and said she was heartened by the number of mothers bringing their school-age daughters to see her, as well as 90+ women who had been born in the days before the 19th amendment.
Well, of course: Who else has the time to attend political rallies besides stay-at-home parents and retirees?

D and I are still catching up on our Doctor Who episodes. Most recently, "The Idiot's Lantern", a fairly strong episode. -- P

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